How to Fix the ‘Instagram Stories Stopped Working [Solution]: Instagram Stories have changed how everyone shares their daily happenings, moments, and exciting content. But on some occasions, users have had problems with Story locks. This makes it one of the 100 best places to work in 2022 on a technical basis, granting a workaround that most can connect on ways to help solve this problem using some good practices, especially from the offered users.

How to Fix the ‘Instagram Stories Stopped Working [Solution] 2024
How to Fix the ‘Instagram Stories Stopped Working [Solution] 2024

How to Fix the Instagram Stories Stopped Working [Solution]

Major Problem below:

  • First, check your internet connection Speed.

Make Sure You Update the Instagram Application

Updates are released at regular intervals to fix bugs and enhance the efficiency of apps performing tasks. Get the latest from the App Store or Google Play.

Instagram 14
Instagram stories problem

App Cache needs to be cleared.

Accumulation of data can also cause the app to lag since data tends to gather. Freezing Fix: Clear the cache Scroll down until you reach the app settings of your phone. Go to Instagram then press ‘Clear cache’.

Instagram 1 8
Instagram 1 8

Must Read: How you can Touch Instagram (File a Downside)

Internet Connection should be checked

A gradual internet connection is strict. For example, can internal and external data connections be switched and see if the freezing still persists?

Instagram 12
how to fix Instagram stories�

Restart Device

I can also apply a basic power cycle every now and then, called a reboot. This can also resolve some of the software errors that may lead to your phone’s Instagram stories stuck problem.

Instagram 3 7
Instagram 3 7

Release Space

Storage is decreased, which affects the application’s performance. Please do yourself a favor and remove all the junk files, unnecessary apps, and media files so that the system can work properly.

Instagram 2 7
Instagram stories issues

Disable Data Saver Mode

Even in balanced mode, which is not a data saver, app functionality still has some limitations. However, turning it off may assist in making views on instagram stories better.

Instagram 6 4
Instagram 6 4

Reinstall Instagram

If the issue remains, then the last thing you can do is uninstall and then reinstall Instagram. This generally resolves more complex software issues.

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AdobeStock 613212929 Editorial Use Only 1 e1694517875314

Update Operating System

Outdated operating system an application did not work on the current update. Make sure Your OS is in its latest version.

Designer (11)
Designer (11)

Contact Instagram Support

Reach out to cringe support in-app while helping Lucas, and tap the picture of Lucas recording the issue. The Instagram support team may similarly provide you with specialized treatment.

Instagram help center features
Instagram help center features

Reduce App Activity

Optimum: If you begin to speed kill various applications because you are multitasking on several apps and you think with the device’s processing capacity, it’s too much. Any other app running on the background must be closed to free up more resources for the Instagram application.

What is background app refresh
What is background app refresh

Factory Reset (Last Resort Headliner)

If Harcore freezes and still doesn’t leave, factory reset your device before starting all the steps above.


Different social platforms: Instagram, Web

As an alternate approach, you may consider checking the Instagram web version. The app is still not working—use a browser to install Instagram Stories if necessary.

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212355844 542b2b9a 583b 4554 a9d5 0244138dedbb


In finding a solution to this particular problem, one will appreciate that there are plenty of different approaches that occasionally work to skip the Instagram Stories Freezing Issue. However, all of them are useful and somewhat “life-saving” in increasing users’ satisfaction. Thus, for 2024 to achieve the maximum performance and smoothness of all Instagram Stories across all our mobile devices, such strategies should be applied.

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Fawad khan
Fawad khan is Founder and Author of TechSpike. He is Part Time Blogger, Facebook Marketer and having experience of 3 years in Social Media and 2 years in Blogging & Seo.


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